This blog is made to share my thoughts on games, school, and life as well as other topics that pique my interest. I’ve decided to start this blog because I enjoy verbalizing my thoughts and love discussing things I am passionate about.  It is my sincere hope that the blog will attract gamers, college students, and just about anyone.

I will attempt to post about once a week as things inspire me. I will try to keep my posts concise, and won’t clog them up with too much background reading or videos to watch but may have a link section at the bottom of the post for further reference or additional material to check out about the topic.

I also plan to keep myself open to emails, comments, and questions about the posts I make as well as suggestions for topics you’d like to hear more about. I encourage my readers to contact me.

This blog will integrate to an extent with my stream. At times it will contain posts regarding a particular stream or highlight that I will reference and discuss, but I will strive to ensure this is not the main focus. Streaming is great for sharing experiences, but not for fostering deeper discussion. In this regard, a blog is a better medium than a stream.

Any donations received on my stream page will be dedicated to enhancing both my stream and my blog by paying for software fees, website fees, upgrading equipment, and allowing me to provide more and better content to visitors.

In short, this blog exists to share my thoughts in an effective manner and leave the readers excited to share and discuss each post.